White Papers
An Introduction to the ARC-Accredited Corporate Travel Department (“CTD”) Designation
Management of a CTD is basically “freedom within a framework” – and is only limited to your imagination.
In 1998, the Airline Reporting Corporation (“ARC”) ushered in a new era of travel management which allows corporations to gain control of, and internally manage, their travel program through an accredited Corporate Travel Department (“CTD”) designation. The key value proposition for becoming a CTD is that you have a plethora of options to manage all aspects of your travel program while gaining one major coveted benefit – TOTAL CONTROL OF ALL COMPONENTS OF YOUR TRAVEL PROGRAM.
Upping the Data Stakes
Turn Actionable Intelligence Into a Competitive Advantage
You can measure, analyze, and enhance your program through continuous improvement and Six Sigma projects, but you really need actionable information to reinvent your business.
It's a given nowadays that travel buyers are expected to render critical decisions in support of their corporation's strategy and the overall success of the company. However, within the current travel industry environment where the turbulence is giving rise to surprising opportunities - travel buyers must learn to operate in ways they had never before perceived. Thus, the need for data has never been greater, but it's not mere "data'' that is imperative to running a successful business unit, it's "actionable information'' that is the true necessity. So what constitutes actionable information?